Thursday, March 12, 2015

MAN FREE LENT, halfway there (just about)

I'm starting to get restless. I moved into my new apartment this weekend, started my new job this week, and now I’m getting settled and looking around to say, what’s next? Given that my closest friend is 30 minutes away, I’m starting to feel a little lonely. But this is exactly why I did this challenge. I knew I was going to be in an unfamiliar place and feeling lonely, leading me to turn to men for company. It’s what I always do. This time, I am not. I am getting myself settled, building a life focused on me (and Lucy)!

I definitely lost some of my focus this week. With everything going on, I’ve been very tired and overwhelmed, which just makes me want to sit on the couch and catch up on my On Demand. I also have been putting too much time and attention to some of the men in my life. Nothing that I feel is breaking my Lenten promise, but definitely distracting me and taking some of the energy I should be putting into myself. I’m letting the thoughts of them get the best of me. This is the longest I’ve gone in quite awhile….

To help me get through the weekend and keep my priorities straight, I did what I do best, made a list. If I accomplish these 7 things it will truly make me feel like I had a productive weekend. They will help me get stuff done, but are also things that make me happy, and are things I try to do for myself.

1. Unpack -- but really, unpack!
2. Go to Ikea
3. Do work in a Coffee Shop
4. Have dinner at a bar by myself
5. Walk 10,000 steps, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
6. Cook a roast on Sunday
7. Watch one new movie


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