Monday, March 23, 2015

Reasons Why I Love Living Alone

Through all of my emotional cutting and depressing thoughts this weekend, I have had a few moments of positivity that i'm going to focus on in the week to come. Sure its easy to focus on all the lonely feelings that come with living alone, and it's interesting that we don't seem to realize the positive until we are miserable living with someone else. So since I so badly wanted to be on my one and have some time to myself, its about time I focus on the great things about it!

1. I can eat my ice cream right out of the container.
2. I can leave Sex and the City episodes on loop while I clean around the house and no one tries to change it!
3. All closets are mine!
4. The bed is all yours (and you don't have to make it unless you have to send your mom a picture of your latest apartment addition).
5. I can leave my shoes everywhere and no one cares!
6. No one is judging you when you workout with no pants on.
7. No one witnesses when you binge watch YouTube videos of dogs reuniting with their owners who have been overseas and you bawl your eyes out for 3 hours.
8. I don't have to share my dog with anyone. She's only excited to see me :)
9. If I want to eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, no one knows!
10. Did I mention privacy?

1 comment:

  1. But at the end of the day, you're alone. I also live alone, and I would gladly give up all those things above to have someone to love and love me. Ive been alone so long I've forgotten what a hug feels like.
