Tuesday, February 17, 2015

52 Week Money Challenge

I'm not going to pretend that i'm good with money. I've been lucky that in my life I have never had to worry about it too severely, as I've always had an income and I have a great support system backing me up if I ever should find myself without one. It seems that every year I make a resolution to save more money but never quite comes to fruition. As a girl who loves to travel or some retail therapy, my savings account doesn't get much attention.

My friend introduced to me this great challenge that i'm going to pursue. I'm a girl who loves a plan, so give me a check list and something I can cross off each week, and i'm more likely to keep with it!

Here's how it works:

Once a week, transfer money into your savings account (I've decided to save to my ACTUAL savings account, and not my vacation fund ;) ). Starting with $1.00 the first week, just add another $1.00 each consecutive week. It's just a little bit each week, so doesn't feel as daunting, but over time saves you over $1300! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

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