Friday, February 20, 2015

This Week's Top Threes - 2/20

I always have a list going in my notebook that I call "Stressors." It helps me to have them written somewhere because it makes me feel like i'm addressing them. Totally a mental game...

Anyway, in my recent attempt to become more positive, I figured I should create a "Happiness" list too! So now that I have this blog up and going and I have something to answer to, i'm going to make it a point to share my top three from each list at the end of each week.

I encourage you to do the same! Whether you just make a point to think about it each week or want to share her with me, it's a great emotional exercise.

1. Lucy! -- I'm finally reunited with my puppy! I've been away from her for 6 weeks during the peak time of contract in Utah and i'm finally back with best companion :)

"back where i belong"

2. This Blog -- I'm so happy that I finally decided to start this and already feel like it is helping me head in the direction I need to. I appreciate anyone following already and look forward to continuing to share my journey with others.

3. Friends In Different Area Codes -- When leaving Utah, I felt so lucky to have made so many close friends from all over the country, but in my time in Utah and through other adventures in my life. As a constant traveler -- it's always reassuring to have a familiar face wherever you go!

new friends at Sundance.

1. Work -- With one contract ending and another one beginning? Nope. That's still TBD. A transitional work period is never something I enjoy. 

2. $$$ -- Pretty much stems off that other one. I am lucky to have additional income from clients I continue to do freelance for, but those won't really pay for the nest I have in mind.

3. Snow -- Unless you have been living under a rock (which most New Englanders would probably prefer), you know that New England is dealing with a historically traumatic winter. It was hard to believe until I got back here, but yeah, it sucks and is truly making it difficult for me to keep up this "fabulous new life" i've been holding onto.

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